Browse Items (51 total)

Various songs of worship in a packet.

Essay on the development of Homewood.

Land deed in Rosedale, 1949.

Various articles about Rosedale's community and its relation to Homewood.

National Directory for the Holt-Gibson Family Reunion in 2018, written by Thomas Hamner Junior.

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Booklet created to describe and detail the history of the Rosedale School from the period 1895-1969.

Photograph of Monroe and Elmira Shepherd taken in 1927 after they settled in Rosedale to make a home for their family.

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Fannie Ellis, Gertrude Mencer and Hattie White in Bethel A.M.E Church in 1963. Gertrude Mencer was an educator and was taught by Booker T. Washington at the Tuskegee Institute.

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