Browse Items (5 total)

Smith, Anna Marie.mp3
Anna Marie Smith recalls her childhood in Rosedale, attending the Rosedale School and the process of integration in 1969; additionally, she describes the various influential figures of the neighborhood. She speaks of the churches, the culture of the…

Pullom, Harriet Hall.mp3
Harriet Hall Pullom narrates her experience living in Rosedale "90%" of her life. She recalls childhood memories of the area and speaks of her current living situation in the neighborhood. She speaks about her intense love for her community, the…

Jerald, Josephine.mp3
Josephine Jerald details her life in Rosedale, Alabama and the changes she has seen within the community over time.

Marlene Burnett Interview
Marlene Burnett describes growing up in Rosedale and living there as an adult. She shares her memories about Spring Park, the Lee Community Center and the Montgomery's store. Marlene also describes her feelings regarding Homewood City Council…

Various articles about Rosedale's community and its relation to Homewood.
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